Recipe of the Week: Bangin’ Buckwheat Granola

Posted & filed under Recipes.

Not gonna lie here, I have never cooked with Buckwheat before BUT after this tasty granola recipe I recently made for a client of mine, I am now OBSESSED with this new-found (well new to me!) grain! Buckwheat is naturally gluten-free, and although not technically Paleo it’s DEF considered a “mild cheat” for Paleo-goers, and a much better alternative to, say, starchy pasta if you are craving a starchy carb!

SIDE NOTE: I am starting to get annoyed with the whole Paleo vs. non-Paleo issue when it comes to ALL-NATURAL grains/starches….information is changing daily on the topic, and it is all a matter of opinion; bottom line here: if no true allergies exist to the substance/ingredient, and if it is HEALTHY/NON-PROCESSED, then go for it!! OK, rant over, thx for listening!

Back to the recipe…this granola is crunchy (WITHOUT nuts for those with a nut allergy) with just the right amount of chewiness, 100% gluten-free, Paleo-ish, plant based and nut-free. AGAIN, as I say with ALL my recent recipe posts, feel free to add your own mix-ins; I added coconut to one batch, or for those of you without a nut allergy, try adding some pecans/walnuts/almonds; you can also try adding dried fruits!

After trying this EASY recipe, store-bought granola will never hold up to the one you pull right out of your oven…not to mention your homemade one takes all of 15 minutes to prepare and you will have your home smelling like cinnamon and chocolate as a bonus. Great served with milk, on top of yogurt or ice cream, or by itself as a scrumptious snack!!

Bangin’ Buckwheat GranolaBuckwheat Granola

Yield: About 3 cups


1 cup hulled sunflower seeds

1 1/2 cups whole PITTED dates (trust me you want the pits OUT of these suckers lol, I CAPPED this for my own reminder ha ha!)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1 cup buckwheat groats

2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted or another neutral tasting cooking oil*

3 tablespoons pure maple syrup**

2 tablespoons cocoa or cocoa powder


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment. 2. Combine the sunflower seeds, dates, cinnamon and vanilla in a food processor and pulse until the mixture resembles wet crumbs and sticks together when pressed between your fingers. 3. Transfer to a large bowl and combine with the remaining ingredients. 4. Pour the mixture on the prepared baking sheet and spread into an even layer. 5. Bake for 10 minutes (on center oven rack NOT ON THE bottom or the granola will burn), toss the granola and bake for another 15 minutes. 6. Take out of the oven and let cool completely. 7. Break into pieces and transfer to an airtight container.

*If you want to make this oil-free, try subbing more maple syrup for the coconut oil to make sure everything sticks together properly.

**You can also get away with just 2 tablespoons maple syrup, the granola will be a bit less sweet but I actually prefer it that way. OR you can substitute honey for a non-vegan version.

Click here to download a printable copy of the Bangin’ Buckwheat Granola Recipe

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